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Thou Shall Not... Skip

As I was leaving school Wednesday, I saw what I would call "the skippers" entering the gym one by one. A question popped into my mind; "Aren't you ashamed of skipping Mass?" Then, I realized I wasn't any less guilty. Let me explain- I would be telling a huge lie if I said that I have always wanted to attend Mass. A lot of times I was too lazy, too bored... Some might think that what they did was courageous, but I think it was cowardly. Instead of standing up for their opinions, they ran away like little kids in order not to be punished by their parents. They should have acted like adults, but they didn't. I think the skippers are also running away from God. I know the sermon isn't always the best and that even if you are a practicing Catholic, it is hard for you to concentrate and pray in the gym (this happens to me!) There is one thing I am sure of and it is that, at least once, the words of the priest will catch your attention and also inspire you. I can assure you that the last sermon was quiet interesting, at least that's what I think. Not only that but also, if we attend a Catholic high school, the least we could do is attend Mass. It is only once a month, if there even is Mass. Don't you think we must know the source of the school's teachings?

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