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Baby Shower Hosted at HT

Holy Trinity’s baby shower, which was the school's way of supporting residents of Shifra, a home dedicated to helping young mothers, was a huge success. The showers have been running for 10 years, and areorganized by 25-30 volunteers. Its goal was to provide practical gifts, such as diapers, clothes and pajamas, to young mothers between the ages of 16 to 27 who live at Shifra with their child. The showers were not only enjoyed by the four mothers and babies that attended the event, the students also liked the chance to meet new people and to help them through a tough time in their life. “We met all the moms and the babies and they’re all really nice and friendly,” said Melanie Chan and Natalia Lopez, two HT students who attended the event. The volunteers who helped with the baby shower hope that by bringing together young mothers and high school students, they can educate students about teenage pregnancy and support the families who need it; “I agree with supporting young mothers,” said Joseph Nicoletti, another student who attended HT’s annual baby shower.

To donate to Shifra, or to learn more about it click here.

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