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Rogue One Preview

Star Wars fans everywhere fell in love with The Force Awakens, the seventh movie in the Star Wars saga. However, enthusiasm quickly died out when fans realized that they had to wait another 2 years for the eighth movie to come out. Luckily, Disney has another movie to keep us occupied until 2017, and its name is Rogue One: a Star Wars story.

The trailer for Rogue One was uploaded to YouTube on April 7th, 2016 and got 30 million views within the first 29 hours. The two minute teaser introduced us to Jyn Erso, as she and the other rebels in the resistance, steal the plans for the first death star, which are then used by Luke Skywalker to blow it up in episode 4. Rogue One is a prequel, set between episode 3 and 4, which means that none of the characters in The Force Awakens will be in it. Or will they?

This new movie hasn’t come out yet, but it already has numerous theories about how these new characters may be connected to the ones in other Star Wars films. The most popular theory? That Jyn Erso is the mother of Rey, the female lead in The Force Awakens, and that Luke Skywalker himself is the father. Jyn and Luke are relatively close in age, and Rey and Jyn Erso do look very similar, thanks to their matching green eyes and brown hair.

So are Jyn Erso and Luke Skywalker married? Is Rey their daughter? Will Rogue One be as successful as the Force Awakens? We’ll just have to wait until opening day to find out.

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