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Why You Should be Excited for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

December is finally here and while the majority of the population is busy gearing up for the holiday season, we the Star Wars fans are busting out our lightsabers, blaster pistols, nerdy t-shirts, and storm trooper helmets because yes, a Star Wars movie is about to hit theatres with all the backstory, action, and space fights that our little hearts can desire.

Presented as one of the three stand alone Star Wars films that are being doled out in between the two coming episodes in order to keep us satiated, Rogue One the first movie of its kind that will not be following the heroes of the epic space saga that we have all gotten so used. Instead, the movie is taking us back to a pre-Luke, Han, and Leia time to tell the story of the rebels that were briefly mentioned at the beginning of the 4th episode. Don’t know what I’m talking about? Fret not, it took me a minute to put the pieces together myself and I have been dissecting these movies like an over caffeinated surgeon for years. The film tells the tale of how the plans on how to defeat the Death Star that everyone was after in the first movie actually fell into the rebellion’s hands.

The movie seems to focus on Jyn Erso, the daughter of an engineer recruited by the Empire to build the very Death Star. We catch up to Jyn in her more mature years when she is now a well accomplished thief and renegade who is miraculously saved from the hands of the Empire by the rebels and given a chance to redeem herself. From then on we are introduced to her bad ass team complete with a human arsenal, the designated tech guy, a warrior monk, and what seems to be a sniper and possible love interest for Jyn. I don’t see how it can get much better than this!

However, one thing keeps popping up at the back of my mind: how does Rogue One fit into the general Star Wars story? As pointed out by the amazing people on Film Theory it’s not like this team of most extraordinary heroes who play such a pivotal role in the story could just have been written off. And yet, we never once hear them mentioned in any other Star Wars movie. Not wanting to spoil anyone’s movie watching experience, and in the essence of brevity, I will not go on to relay the entire mind blowing theory of which I am a total fan and which would totally explain the loopholes mentioned above. However, if you do want to find out how the Rogue One team fits into the Star Wars universe, I would suggest you head on over to Film Theory and watch their ROGUE ONE’S Turn to the Dark Side! to get you even more pumped for the upcoming film.

For now, I leave you all in what I hope is exhilarated anticipation and hope to see you all at the theatres on December 16. Farewell my fellow nerds, and may the force be with you.

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